Pune girl using Twitter to take a selfie This girl from Pune is taking a selfie on Instagram, a selfie in Hindi, and a selfie while taking a bath.
On Saturday, while attempting to take a picture at Borane Ghat in Maharashtra, a 29-year-old female plunged into a deep canyon. Pune girl snapping a self-portrait collapses
Pune Girl Goes Viral: It is said that the 29-year-old Pune native was attempting to take a picture when she fell into a steep canyon in Satara.
A Pune girl who was taking a selfie fell into a 60-foot canyon and was saved. #A Pune girl snapping a selfie tumbles into a 60-foot chasm; villagers rescue her. While taking a photo in Pune, a girl slips down a 60-foot-deep chasm; she is rescued
Pune Girl Posting Viral Selfie Video Nasreen, 29, was taking selfies in Satara, Maharashtra, when she fell down a 100-foot-deep chasm. The woman, who was from Pune, had arrived at the
On Saturday, while attempting to snap a picture, a 29-year-old Pune lady plunged down a 60-foot-deep canyon in Borane Ghat in Maharashtra.
While attempting to take a picture at Borane Ghat in Maharashtra, a 29-year-old lady plummeted into a steep canyon. Staff from Home Guard and a few locals eventually came to her rescue. She was traveling from Pune to the Thoseghar Waterfall with a group of folks.
At Borane Ghat, Nasreen Amir Qureshi of Warje, Pune, fell down a 60-foot-deep gully while taking a picture.
On social media, a video of the event has gone viral. It shows Nasreen falling while trying to take a picture and then was pulled by someone using a rope. But the event has made some wonder why she was there in the pouring rain.
Pune girl taking selfie falls into 60-foot gorge at Borane Ghat, rescued
— Pune City Life (@PuneCityLife) August 4, 2024
Nasreen Qureshi was rescued with the help of the Home Guard and local residents. It occurred amidst heavy rain in the area.
Administration had banned tourist visits in that area.pic.twitter.com/Pve4Bvrrg5